Delhi to manali distance


Delhi to manali distance by road

you can go from delhi to manali by road in three different ways.

Three ways are below.

  1. Ambala-Chandigarh Route (Via NH 44 & 154)
  2. Banur-Palampur Route (Via NH 44 & 205)
  3. Shimla Route (Via NH 44 & 5)

Ambala-Chandigarh Route (Via NH 44 & 154

you can go from delhi to manali by Ambala-Chandigarh Route (Via NH 44 & 154. This route pass from these cities and end in manali.

These cities are below

Delhi — Panipat — Kurukshetra — Ambala — Chandigarh — Bilaspur – Mandi — Kullu — Manali

if we talk about the distance from delhi to manali by this route that is 545 km.

Travel time is 13 hours.

Banur-Palampur Route (Via NH 44 & 205)

you can go from delhi to manali by Banur-Palampur Route (Via NH 44 & 205).

This route pass from these cities and end in manali.

Delhi — Panipat — Kurukshetra — Ambala — Banur — Palampur – Mandi — Kullu — Manali

if we talk about the distance from delhi to manali by Banur-Palampur Route that is 670 km

Travel time is 16 hours.

Ambala-Chandigarh Route (Via NH 44 & 154.

you can go from delhi to manali by Ambala-Chandigarh Route (Via NH 44 & 154. This route passes from these cities.

Delhi — Panipat — Kurukshetra —Zirakpur — Shimla — Bilaspur – Mandi — Kullu — Manali

if we talk about the delhi to manali distance by this route that is 610 km.

Travel time is 15 hours

Delhi to manali map

Delhi to manali distance by train

There is not any train that go from delhi to manali. You have to reach kalka station or chandigarh railway station and then you can go by taxi, cab or bus to beautiful cily manali.
if we talk about the delhi to manali distance by train that is 537 km.
Travel time is 4 hours.

Delhi to manali train fare

if we talk about the delhi to manali train fare, AC 1 tier delhi to manali ticket price is Rs. 1000- 1300.
Delhi to manali train ticket price up to kalka is Rs.100 in second class through passenger tarin and train ticket price from kalka to shimla by toy train is Rs.70

Delhi to manali distance by flight

you can go from delhi to manali by air. Indira gandhi airport is a nearest airport in delhi and Bhuntar airport is a nearest airport in manali.
if we talk about the delhi to manali distance by flight that is 400 km.
Travel time 1 hour.

Delhi to manali distance by volvo

You can go from delhi to manali by volvo bus service. Himachal perdesh government run HPTDC ( Himachal perdesh tourisioum Development corporation) and HRTC ( Himachal road transport corporation) volvo buses from delhi to manali.
There are two timing for deperature of volvo buses.
first volvo bus depart from delhi at 6:00 pm and second bus depart at 11:15 pm.
if we talk about delhi to manali distance that is 530 kms.
volvo buses takes around 14 hours to cover this distance.
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