Lahore to murree distance – 3 ways to travel by road, train, and plane

 In this article we will discuss lahore to murree distance.we will discuss distance in kilometer or miles.


You can travel from lahore to murree by 3 ways.

  1. by road
  2. by train
  3. by flight

Lahore to murree distance by road

Lahore to murree distance by lahore Islamabad motorway

If you wants to go from lahore to murree by road then you can go by lahore Islamabad motorway

If we talk about lahore to multan distance by lahore Islamabad motorway that is 437.9 km.

If we talk about the time to cover this distance that is 5 hours and 55 minutes.

Lahore to murree distance by sialkot lahore motorway

If you wants to go from lahore to sialkot by road then you can go by sialkot lahore motorway.

If we talk about the distance that is 393.1 km

Time to cover this distance is 7 hours and 20 minutes

Lahore to murree distance by Gt Road

You can go from lahore to murree by Gt Road

If we talk about the distant that is 423.7 km.

Time to cover this distance 8 hours and 26 minutes 

 Lahore to murree road map.

Lahore to murree distance by train

You can go from lahore to murree by train

Lahore railway station is a nearest railway station in lahore and rawalpindi railway station is a nearest railway station in murree.

If we talk about the lahore to rawalpindj distance by train that is 290 km/180 miles.

Time to cover this distance 4 hour and 15 minutes.

You can go from Rawalpindi to murree by taxi

Rawalpindi to murree distance my Islamabad murree expressway is 76.8 km

Time to cover this distance is 2 hour and 7 minutes.

Lahore to murree distance by flight

You can go from lahore to multan by flight.

Lahore airport is a nearest airport in lahore and Islamabad international airport is a nearest airport in murree.

If we talk about lahore to islamabad distance by flight that is 261 km.

If we talk about the time to cover this distance that is 1 hours.

You can go from Islamabad to murree by taxi

Islamabad to murree distance is 62.7 km 

Time to cover this distance 54 minutes 

Hotel booking

If you wants to book hotel in murree then you can visit the website.

Weather forecast of lahore

 You can see the daily weather forecast of lahore


Weather forecast of murree 

You can see the daily weather forecast of murree


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