What is Issb? Issb stand for – All you need to know


What is issb?

Issb stands for inter services selection board. Issb is a committee which select commissioned officers for military forces in Pakistan. Issb conduct test to select sharp and suitable candidate for armed forces of pakistan like Army, ariforce and navy, 

Candidate who pass issb test, get recommended by issb for commissioned officers training.

Recommended candidates go to military academy for further trenning under their selected force.

How to apply for issb test?

Pakistani armed forces publish advertisements in local news paper and on their respective website for the vacancy of commissioned officers.

Candidate who fit the mentions conditions apply through given procedure and get allocated specific roll number and date in which he/she has to appear for issb initional test at forces recruitment center in nearby their areas.

Issb initial test 

Issb initial test conduct in 4 days. Everyday candidates completes the given test and tasks.

When candidate pass all the four days task get recommended to issb test

If candidate fail in first day test, he/she will not allowed for second day tasks.

Here we will discuss all the four days activities.

First day

First day Candidate given computer test. Computer test consist of three types of test

  1. Verbal test
  2. non verbal test
  3. academic test

Verbal test

verbal test consist of 64 questions, this task candidates have to complete in 30 minutes

Non verbal tests

non verbal test consist of 68 question, this task candidates have to complete in 40 minutes.

Academic test

Academic test consist of 50 question, this task candidates have to complete in 30 minutes.

Second day

Second day is for physical examination of candidates. 

In this days, issb team check the height, chest, eyes, weight etc of candidates

after that candidates go for running test, in running test candidates have to complete 1.6 miles distance in 7 minutes.

Third day

thered day is for medical examination of candidates.

Issb team examine full body of candidates.

Ear examine, eye examine and full boday test include in this test.

Fourth day

fourth day is for interviews  of candidates. Issb officers ask questions about his/her self about their families, academic questions.

Issb call letter

When candidates complete initial test and the candidates who pass in initial test get call letter from issb. This call letter almost receive in 20 to 25 days after the initial test.

Candidates can also check their call letter detail on issb official website.


Issb test

Those candidates who pass issb test and receive call letter from issb appear in issb centers for their five day issb test

here we will discuss five day complete test and tasks.

First day.

First day candidates check in, get c number and room number. After relaxation  they complete their bio data form, complete bio data form with your orignal information becase interviers will ask question related to your bio data.

Second day

Second day is a gto (group task officer) 

fist test is a group discussion test. in group discussion task, one topic has been given to your group and members have to give their views about that topic. gto check the body language and convincing power of individual candidate

Second test is a group planning test, in this test some laguage has been given to group and they have to take it from point A to point B. Some  conditions have been applied which  member have to follow when perform this tast,

Gto check the team spirit, patience, communication power of individial members.

after gto task condidates take rest and then deputy presedent take interviews.

This takes 20 to 25 minutes.

In this task, personal, emotional and academic questions have been asked.

Candudates shuold be relaxed, be cofident and takes the answers in pleasent mode.

Third day

in third day, psychologist take interview, this interview is about 5 to 10 minutes, in this interview generly ask questions about your info that you provided in bio data form.

So alway speak truth, so that you feel relax and comfortable when giving interview.

In third day gto also takes some more test and tasks

in one task, every candidates have to command his group and complete task. In this task gto check the commanding power of candidates. So be comfortable and relax when you giving test.

In another test, individual candidates have been check when one was uder someone command. in this task gto check the listing,obying and following power of candidates. So always obey sop and respect your boss.

Fifth day

Fifth day is a rguideline

How to clear Issb psychologist interview?

Issb interview is the most difficult and confusing part of issb because candidates have not gone through such kind of experience before. In this article, we will discuss who conduct a test, who takes interview, and what kind of questions asked in the SSB interview

Psychologist test take place in second day . candidates appears in the test then they take interviews.

A psychologist interview is taken by a professional psychologist. Interview held after the psychologist test. Sometimes expert psychologist is sitting between the candidate in the room as a candidate and observes the candidate keenly. After that may be they take interview of candidates.

The interview can be taken by a male or a female officer but this can not be revealed until you enter the room. So do not expect that interview will be male or female And do not give weird expressions during the interview if it is opposite to your expectation.

Issb interview is not like a normal interview you are not giving an interview in a company but you are in interview center and you have been observed by the issb team so be relaxed and sit comfortably in the issb lounge. On the same day, there will be many students that are coming to give interviews they will give interviews in a room where the instructor will guide them. 

When instructor tells you the room number then sit on your seat and wait for the light that is above the door to start blinking or turned on for a second. When the light blinks its means it’s your turn and goes immediately.

The important thing is that you focus on the light usually it blinks for 1 or 2 seconds so be active and keep your eyes on the light if you missed the light it will give a bad impression. the purpose of the light is to blank your mind. Usually, we thought false answers in our minds and give answers in front of interviewer that we thought already in our minds. But this issb test and they a very intelligent than us they want a real answer from you so be realistic and give a realistic answer.

The duration of the psyschlogist test is 5 to 10 minutes it might be higher or lower depending upon the situation. Some candidates are free in 20 minutes depending upon the situation and some students are free in 5 to 6 minutes.

What is issb lecturette test, tips and guidline

In issb lecturette test gto takes the group member in a room where every candidate give lecture on a given topic, if you will refuse to perform this task this will give you negative ranking.

Issb lecturette test can be given in any language so give lecture in a language in which you are comfortable if you can give lecture in English then deliver lecture in english otherwise deliver in Urdu. Remember that you are not judge by vocabulary or pronunciation just give the lecture with the flow and deliver what you know about the topic.

There will be given 2 minutes to everyone to give lecture. Gto will give 2 minutes to every candidates to think about the topic . in these 2 minute make rough map of the topic like introduction, basic detail and coclusion.

The topics that are given in lecturette test are very simple just like normal topics that you have discussed in group task. The difference between group discussion task and lecturette task is that here you have to deliver alone and your group member will listen you. Gto will give you topic in Urdu and you have to deliver in on a stage.

Some candidates refuses to perform this task because they feel nervous and hesitate to perform this task so you don’t do this. Do not hesitate, just go to the stage and give lecture, people sitting in front of you just like you and forget that you can deliver good or not.

The purpose of the lecturette test is to judge the confidence level and communication skills of candidate. Because you have to command army and your commanding skills should be very strong and that are the things that foces wants in every candidates that they select.

What is clear Issb half group task?

In half group task group of 12 members divided in to 3 smalls groups that are called semi or sub groups. Gto takes them to the task area and guide them about the task

One group started their task, these task are just like progressive group task, in these task group members have to complete test, they have to transfer some lagguage from one plaoneto another place by following the conditions if they don’t complete one step they cannot move to other without completing the first one

When one group complete the task gto call they other groups to perform the task

The purpose of the half group task is to judge the candidates ability in small group Gto observe every candidate keenly.

What is  ISSB Command Task Tips & Guidelines

Issb command task is very tricky task, in this task gto check the commanding power of candidates. Every candidate individually  takes command of group and perform task,usually this task takes at the end of all physical test because they were exhausted and tired and it is a best time to check the physical power, stamina and mental acceptance.

What is ISSB Group Planning task, Tips and Important information

Group planning test is taken after the group discussion test, in this task group members make planning about the task that they will perform next.

What is ISSB Progressive Group Task,  tips and important information

Issb progressive group task take place in the second day of got task. Gto takes the candidates in a group task area and tell them about the progressive group task. In progressive group task there are three different task performed.

What is ISSB Individual Obstacles task, tips and guideline

Issb individual obstacles group task is a most difficult task in issb test. In this test candidates have to clear different obstacles individuals.some students who are not physical fit face difficulty to clear the test.


can issb test be prepared?

Yes issb test can be prepared, if you are normal boy and you donot know about issb then you can learn about issb, you can learn from internet, you can learn by reading books, you will improve day by day and after some months you will be confident that you should give issb test now. If you wants furthure improvemnts and get help from experince peoples then you can join any issb training academy.

how much work is required for issb test?

Issb test is not as much difficult as people say. If you normaly start reading books and newspaper before 6 to 1 year before issb test that will be very easy for you

but if you will start learning just before 1 to 2 month then you have to work hard, you have to learn much time in a day and take exrecise regulary. So its upto that you can take burden on you should start work early on your next target.

are not recomended candidates incompetent?

No its not true, candidates who does not cleare issb test may be very intilegent. issb check the strength of candidates in all aspects like team work, commanding power, decision making,patience like that so issb select those candidates who have great qualities because in military forces they have to command in pease as well as war. In general may be one man good in team work but he cannot command.so its not true that not recommended candidates are incompitent but we can say they are not suitable for foces, they can work in other profession of life in which they are good.

Do issb officers are happy to fail?

No issb officers do not happy to fail candidates. They happy when they select good and deserving candidate for military forces. They also feel good when they select more candidate because its up to them how much candidate they select there is no fix quota for selection of candidates.

How much  pressure on candidates in issb test?

You can say there are litile bit pressure on candidate in issb test because issb test is different from other academic test.

In general exam student give verbal test like when a candidate come for issb he have been clear 12 standards. In this time of study he only give verbal test. Some questions are asked in exam and they have to write, in higher level class there are some practical exam. But in issb test senerio is different, they have to clear verbal test, physical test and medical test.

So these things can do pressure on candidates. 

But if you do practise 1 or 2 year before test you can built more confident.

Which thing you practise in issb test?

1. Keep patience

2. Be positive


4.donot be angry

5.focus on target

6. Help other

7. Be leader

8.care other

9.guide other

10. Do sorry for your mistakes

11.listen other carefully 

12.donot insult other

13.do not cross talk

Which things candidates must follow in non verbal test?

1. Listen the instruction of istructor carefully befor exam, if you have any question then ask the instructor.

2. When you are solving question always write the serial number of question then start answering if you are soving mcq then tick the write one.

3. Alway write the answer in right box 

4. Solve easy question first, then harder and at last the hardest one.

5.focus on your question, do not watch here and there it will waste your time

6.Do not waste time on single question. if you cannot solve one question then move toward the next one and solve this latter.

7. Always write answer in the right box because if you miss the sequence it will effect on other question so always follow the sequence and write answer in the right box.

8. Do not guess any question if you do not know the answer of question so leave it blank and move to other question and solve it latter.

9.do not ask time again and again focus on your paper.

which are prohibited items for issb?

1. You cannot take any camera with you in issb test.

2. You cannot take any audio devices with you. like handfrey, mp3 device,speaker 

3. You cannot take any sharp weapon with you in issb test like knife.

4.you cannot take mobile phone with you,any kind of mobile touch mobile,smart phone,tablets.

5. You cannot take any pets with you like dogs,parrots

6. You cannot take any drugs with you like cigerate,alcohol 

7.you cannot take any fire arms/explosive item with you like matchas,sulphur.

8.you cannot take any government banned item with you like alcohol.

9. You cannot take any valuable item with you like jewelry,ring etc.

10. Do not take large sum of money with you.

which subjects do you study in intermediate to pass issb test?

If you pass intermediate level of education in any course and get 60% you can apply for issb test. If you pass intermediate in fsc pre engineering and you got 60% marks then you are eligable for issb test. If you pass intermediate in fsc pre medical then you can apply for issb. If you pass intermediate in ics(computer science subject) then you can apply for issb. If you pass A-level then you can apply for issb.If you pass intermediate in simple FA and got 60% marks then you are eligible for issb.

 How to pass issb screen test?

Screen test consist of two type of test first you have to create story from image that will show on the big screen in exam centre and the second one is making a sentence from the word that will on the screen in given time.

Keep in mind these things when you take screen test

1.Listen the instructor guideline carefully

2.Alway be positive

3.write to the point

4.try to write answer in english

5.Take right decision in right time

6.Write answer in given time

7. Right meaningful story or sentence

8.Write in urdu if instructor say

9.Focus on the current question, forget the previous one if you do not write it well

why candidates fail in picture story creation test in issb?

In picture story test some pictures are shown in screen, you have to create some story about picture in given time.

Be positive when you are creating story, may be some negative things shown in picture and when you create story your mind automatically goes nagative so you have to find positive things from pitcure and create good and positve story about picture.

Which things you have to remember in sentence creation test?

Sentence creation test is a part of screen test, you have to write good things do not be negative.write good things about the words that shown on screen.

May be some negative words shown on screen, you mind will automatically goes negative so be positive and create good sentence about the word.

negaive words like, knife , alcohol etc

you can write 

Knife is very usefull item in daily routine life,we use it to cut vegitables and fruits

how to pass academic test in issb?

Academic test consist of 60% academic questions and 40% general knowlege questions

academic questions takes from physics,chemistry,math,biology,computer and islamiat.you have to prepare all these books,these questions generaly takes from metric or midal classes so that those students who do not study some course in intermediate can solve question easily.

General knowlege questions are takes from current affairs,world affairs,geograpy etc. Read newspaper daily and keep eyes on world affairs.

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